
Future Champ Warms Up

By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)
Despite warnings from the 'Poissons et Boissons Extreme' ruling body, young fishermen are already warming up for the 2019 Manning Point Fishing Classic.

Worry about 'burn-out' by the junior anglers has always been a concern, especially after the incident with a cod and the future King of Denmark.(details suppressed. ed)

However, these warnings are falling on deaf ears - like those of young Flounder Joe, shown here catching one of his namesakes. Joe appears to show no signs of ill-effect of catching this fish and has caught many others with no apparent 'burn out'. His father, Rockfish Rich, was a noted junior angler in his day, picking up both the Monaco and Barbados legs of the 'Poissons et Boissons Extreme' tour of 1976 before the regulations were changed - primarily because there were concerns of the juniors doing too much 'Boissoning' and not enough 'Poissonning'. Speaking at the time Juan Antonio said 'Leaf it to de men! Dem are good, kids are not'.

Anyway, nice fish, Flounder and keep the photos coming. By the way, some late mail is suggesting that his dad Rockfish may be contesting the 2007 Classic at Manning Point. The bookies are already in a scamper at the prospect, and the early ticket sales have skyrocketed in anticipation of his appearance.


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