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Tuesday 25th January 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Bream, bream everywhere and no a one to catch!
The school bream are getting bigger and bigger around the Waterbird Restaurant (Jim and Di's). The kids had a great time feeding the fish while poor old Dad was left to ponder how to catch the fellas. Some of the feeding bream would have been 40+ cms. Nice!
Mangrove did console himself


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Thursday 20th January 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Proving yet again that his 2010 Manning Point Fishing Classic win was not a fluke, Mangrove Mike has had a successful afternoon chasing flatties on the Manning.
As is starting to become abundantly clear, the Evil Minnow flick baits (with S-Factor, of course) were the plastics that came up trumps again.


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Wednesday 19th January 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

At a recent Manning Point Fishing Classic planning meeting, previous champions, Mangrove Mike, Stillwater Steve and Ganghook Gibbo, mixed with also-rans Fishin Phil and Codfish.
Also in attendance was cricket legend Greg Richie who kept the laughs flowing. The event was to raise money for the Waratah Mayfield District Cricket Club.


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Sunday 14th November 2010
By  Fishing Phil

This Movember I've decided to donate my face to raising awareness about men's health. My  commitment is the growth of a moustache for the entire month of Movember, which I know will generate conversation, controversy and laughter.

I am doing this because close to 3,300 men die of prostate cancer in Australia each year and


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Good cause, Fishin. Classy photo as well!

Posted by Mangrove, 15/11/2010 10:12:34 pm

Friday 5th November 2010
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

We welcome home Tsunami Col (previously known as Catfish Col) from his ordeals in the Mentawai Islands. More news is sure to come I'm sure. If you'd like to support others who were not as fortunate as Col, please head over to SurfAid International who are doing a heap of good work in the


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Thursday 28th October 2010
By  Fishing Phil

Catfish Col has hit international headlines with his amazing escape from a tsunami in Indonesia this week.

Catfiish Col and some of his long time friends were secretly fishing in Indonesian waters during the MPFC off-season as they were honing their skills catching large pelagis in waters off Mentawai Island.

After a hard day's fishing


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Thursday 3rd June 2010
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

So here it is. I just bought a new boat and decided to take 'er for the maiden voyage this past weekend.

This is my first boat and I wasn't quite sure of the exact Standard Operating Procedures for launching it off a ramp, but I figured it couldn't be too hard.

I consulted my local boat dealer for advice, but they just said


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Monday 29th March 2010
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Day 2 started off early with the teams heading to the water by 8:30 am. There was almost a ramp rage incident when Captain Blue Ring jumped the queue in front of Ganghook then didn't get off the ramp for 15 minutes as they were not ready to get the boat in - where's your winch handle!

Mangrove and Team Jarvis Walker headed upstream again


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Monday 29th March 2010
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Mangrove Mike has won the 2010 Manning Point Fishing Classic with a big collection of Flatties and Bream over the weekend although he dropped a monster in the last hour after a 15 minute battle in front of the marina. Catfish Col took out second prize with a consistent collection of fish and Team Telligence on Fish 'n' Fil took out the team award.



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Sunday 28th March 2010
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Day 0 started early and the competition officially started at 3 pm. In an amazing rush, there were three fish reported in the first one minute.

Then Mangrove went of a 30 minute rampage, equally split between re-rigging his Evil Minnows and catching flatties. The crowning glory was a 67 cm, 1.1 kg lizard which catapulted him into the lead.


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