Day 1 Additional Photos
Day One was a relaxing and food focussed day for the fishing heroes. Unfortunately the food was mainly purchased rather than caught. The Waterbird Restaurant at the Manning Point Marina provided sensational Bacon and Eggs on Turkish Bread with high-end coffee (or milkshakes)
Harrigans Pub at Harrington was the lunch time venue but we were a bit full by then. The days efforts ended up with the official weigh-in at the Waterbird's new bar area where beers were enjoyed in the shadow of the Manning Point Fishing Classic tournament winners roll which sits proudly on their walls.
There were however five weighed fish for the day with Fishin Phil the overnight leader with a nice flathead caught on plastic which gave him a FWF (Fish Weighting Factor) of 2.5 and an overall score of 1.3
The fish from Days Zero and One were added to the six meat trays from the raffles gave the fisherman plenty to eat for the Saturday night BBQ. Catfish Col made his usual (and exquisite) salad, Mrs Stingray sent along her famous Macaroni Pie and The Captain and Codfish were the night's chefs. Well done and thanks to you all.
The competitive Jenga tournament was greeting with much mirth by all and the following late night card playing was enjoyed by most (well, those who won).